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    "C" is for "cutting a woman's breasts off," it's good enough for me.

    Nice font, douche.

    One does not dissect gossamer.

    I mean, just imagine, an army of men in wool pants running through the neighborhood handing out pottery catalogs, door to door.

    Living under a rock don't know Wings…

    This is Boston, not LA.

    If she touches him again, he's gonna rip her goddamned wings off.

    And the Penguin seems like such a stable guy.

    Does she hit Batman with a toaster? I hope she hits Batman with a toaster.

    Noman will see this movie.

    Does the Imperial March play when that logo comes up?

    2008: "Obama is the antichrist! He's gonna put us all in FEMA death camps!"
    [nothing happens]
    2012: "Obama's still the antichrist! That shit's coming any day now!"
    [nothing happens]
    2014: "Uhh…Clinton is the antichrist!"

    Well that guy's fucked.

    You shouldn't respond to my comments, muggle. My mother responded to one of my comments once. Once.

    Hell, who hasn't?

    Ahhhh, right. That's too bad.

    Isn't Lacey Jonas the one you take pictures of getting fucked over a BBQ or something? Definitely Lindsay.


    He's a model that made the transition to "acting" in the Twilight movies.

    I still haven't seen the first one. Am I a bad person?