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    We meet again, you loggerheaded tickle-brain poppycock.

    The AV Club

    Oh my yes. Visible armpit hair? Definitely.

    Depends. Are Jagger and Richards drift-compatible?

    Those Sørenson bites can be pretty nasti.


    I'm both happy and sad.

    Seems like the first part of that sentence is superfluous.

    Sean O'Neal, naked but for overalls. Yes.

    She was adorable, in spite of the acne.

    Becca rules.

    Production's probably going to be a real hassle.


    Scientists have just discovered that grinding your teeth makes you 67% more vulnerable to being rightfully crushed by a superior alien species.

    Looking forward to binge watching this new show called Correlation Is the New Causation.

    Today I didn't even have to get flayed
    I gotta say it was a good day

    I think I may stop watching the show at this point, and paying attention to show-centric news. Not out of anger or because I don't like it anymore - I do. It's just that, even though it's de rigueur to shit all over the books these days, I will reluctantly admit to enjoying them considerably, and it's getting to the

    Is that where Jon throws a trashcan through the window and starts a war?

    He didn't have much dialogue in either the books or the show, but he did speak in like full (though short) sentences and such.

    They didn't.