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    Shut Up V. Don't Care

    Electric Bulgeroo?

    Turns out, Boston's not a state.

    Universities pay enormous amounts of money for subscriptions to those services, and the students subsequently through their tuition. I believe that Swartz's desire was to make them publicly available, free for all.


    Taken by force.

    You should shut up.


    Tie him to a chair and make him listen to Instinct on an endless loop?

    The AV Club

    Wouldn't you rather play a nice game of Farcry 3 Blood Dragon?

    Hey at least it wasn't Oxford Blues. I watched a lot of terrible movies on cable as a kid.

    They don't call him John Wood for nothing. Whew!

    He's filing a lawsuit against the BBC.

    They haven't posted an obit yet, which is a bit of a surprise.

    La pluma de mi tia as en la mesa.

    No, no, I'm very sorry. Very sorry. The correct answer was, "Who gives a shit?"

    I think the book only covers his years as the Mayor of Gaytown.

    1.) Other
    2.) Washboard
    3.) I'm so fucking emo
    4.) Eight
    5.) Twelve