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    Thought it was obvious from the article.

    This is unnatural. It's Adam and Eve, people, not Adam and Eve and Bill Murray.

    Everybody eats pizza, all the time. Now, you got a problem with that, you’re living wrong.

    You're not giving GRRM enough credit. You forgot all about titter.

    Fancy Feast is for plutocrats.

    It's not Tywin Lannister who shits gold.

    It'll be the only prom in the country to serve lamprey.

    For Most Awkward Loss of Virginity you win a lifetime of shame.

    Train Harder

    I'll come and watch you sing and play.

    I'm sure it'll be very civil.

    Oh, but he is! You should see the episode where Tywin wakes up in Ned's bed after getting drunk, and Ned confesses to not being gay because he's just so freaked out. Classic stuff.

    It's about this guy who needs a place to live, and he meets these two women who need a roommate. But the rub is that the landlord won't allow a single man to live with two single women in his building, so the guy has to pretend to be gay. It's very funny.

    I'll only watch this if she wears a white tuxedo with white gloves and an adorable black bowtie.

    Although it should be said that ruthless efficiency is not one of GRRM's.

    "Okay…okay…wait! There was also a dwarf with no nose and he was…killing a dude in a bathroom…or something? Anyway, the dragon lady starts having sex with a guy with a blue moustache, I think. Anyway, hang on, lemme get back to the dudes fighting zombies at the ice wall - and there were mammoths too, I think, but it's

    Yeah, the books Sean wants him to write.

    In the end, the story is about nothing but boys and gold and killing.

    Yeah, right. "TV".
