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    What's a "T.I."?

    Since you brought it up, I've always wanted to ask -

    That's the worst.

    The south is actually pretty appealing. It's the one region of the country I've never visited.


    It sort of depends. Obviously, sticking closer to home would be cheaper, but I live in New England, which is kind of played out for both me and lady rev. She's from NJ, so we go to NYC with some frequency already. Finally, our last trip was to Montreal. So as you can imagine, we're trying to get the hell out of the

    My immediate boss has to come up with the sales projections for the clients, which means rounding up all the sales people once a month (over the phone, mostly) and trying to put that shit together. She was sales herself up until about two years ago, so she was originally more sympathetic, but now I do believe she's

    Do the cold call people get commissions, or just a wage?

    Looks more and more like our German trip isn't going to happen. Anyone have suggestions for good, inexpensive (excluding potential airfare) places to visit in North America? Not that I don't know North America at all, but I'm trying to put something together last minute and I'm looking for ideas.

    It' weird isn't it? I hope he doesn't pull a Carrot Top/Joe Piscopo on us. Seems to be a thing among comedians.

    Raising Arizona, The Graduate, MP and the Holy Grail, Trading Places. Hell I don't know. Depends on my mood. I'm forgetting a lot too.

    Naked Raygun - Jettison & Understand

    I loved that one time when Pairesta made me feel less old.

    I got 65 cents here - cash money.

    Gin rules.

    Money Changes Everything - Cyndi Lauper
    Big Choice - Face To Face
    New Worship - Sebadoh
    Second Chance - Lemonheads
    Deep In the Heart of the Night - My Dog Popper

    Any shuffle that doubles up on the old school Modest Mouse is working just fine in my opinion.

    Sorry. Rant.

    I need the sales staff who all have been with this company even longer than I have to stop 1.) sending me quote/pricing requests. That is YOUR JOB, goddammit. Not in the sense of "I don't want to do your work for you" but in the much simpler sense of "do you know what your fucking job is?" YOU negotiate these prices

    I've been bad
    It was my mistake