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    Delete gently I assume.

    I thought it was referring to Hell's Kitchen the show, and decided this would be just about the best movie of all time.

    You are a disgusting fatbody, Wilson Fisk.

    You should offend hippos as frequently as possible, those fuckers.

    There's nothing happy-go-lucky about hippos.

    No, sorry - I'm familiar with the story, I'm just shocked that even James Franco is using a story considered wildly deep and profound by fifteen year olds the world over to posture as an artistic and intellectual font of wisdom.

    Bananafish? Really?

    I just went to El Farolito a few weeks ago and it was a really disappointing, bland-ass burrito.

    He posted "I don't tweet all tha" on his official website like 18 months ago.

    I think the average meal would require 7,000+ tweets.

    I'm with you. Pun threads are ichthy.

    I'm disturbed.

    Mascis was so preoccupied with whether or not he could that he didn't stop to think if he should.

    For a price. A fair price.

    This movie's going to be just like Muppet Babies, only with more guns and fucking of bitches.

    Disney: A bunch of sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigots.

    But it's just a regular Princess Leia doll with a stupid new hairstyle!

    I hope the food truck offers orange drink fermented under a lamp.
