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    Ms. rev makes a fine quiche, but I think she should have left the fig jam out of this last one.

    I'm gonna eat a big twinkie.

    Really? I am not seeing this at all.

    Appropriate color

    The Cars - Just What I needed
    7 Seconds - 99 Red Balloons
    Modest Mouse - Interstate 8
    Dinosaur Jr. - Sludgefeast
    NoMeansNo - Small Parts Isolated and Destroyed

    *dick joke

    I'm thinking they might tighten that up before release to Star Wars Episode VII, Nerds.

    Looks like white people have done it again!

    I will represent the Spice Miner's Guild. We can't leave all this spice.

    Star Wars Episode VII: Attack of the Clone

    Sneak King

    But the solar powered Fleshlight is a really bad idea.

    You ever hear the one about the Polish guy who ran into the room with a big pile of unopened copies of The Witcher 2 in his hands and said, "Hey! Look what I almost stepped in!"

    Many an afternoon I found myself wandering through beautiful Cranston and said, hey, Woody Allen should really film a movie here.

    My gf is from NJ, and for some reason everyone there thinks it's the tits. So her parents get us a case of the stuff every time we visit. It's pretty rancid, and now all the Boston bars are advertising it like they just got ahold of something wonderful. They haven't. They really haven't.

    Although like many Stephen King colloquialisms, no one actually uses it outside of his novels.

    It's Xbox Live. Right now.

    It's the kind of thing a dirty Mexican would say and I'm truly very sorry.

    I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Look, you're very handsome for a guy with a dick for a nose.