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    Andouille really need another pun thread?

    Many women. Many pizzas.

    A pair of matched coconuts.

    Well that's pretty awesome, too. Is Rudd still coming?

    I want him to take me to Paris and make love to me under the Eiffel Tower.

    I thought you meant like a sausage themed party, with balloons and streamers, and also sausages.

    This kind of stuff is over my head, really. Guess I shouldn't have posted.


    *flicks lizard tongue

    I'm totally happy with as much Exene stuff you want to write, just warn me when you're reporting that she's a goddamn whackjob.

    I drove through it once, but those signs may have been Illuminati fakes.

    They're adorable!

    We all know perfectly well he's going to spend it all on hookers and blow.

    Oh, that one never bothered me.

    She is hereby X-communicated from the Cool People's Club.

    Most of them still suffer under the delusion that the largest, most powerful, most technologically advanced military in human history sees halfwits in deep jungle camo wielding AR-15s as a threat.

    Okay, I never want to know anything about my favorite artists, actors, writers, what-have-you's personal lives or beliefs ever again.

    That's right, the letter "2".

    I love how they look at the roster giant, terrifying, predatory dinosaurs that actually existed and respond, "Eh, not good enough."

    Trevorrow calls the island “the realization of John Hammond’s dream” and says that moviegoers will “want to go there.”