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    If I'm not wrong, Murphy hosted in Season 10. The "White Like Me" sketch comes from that episode, not from when he was a regular cast member.

    Mind blown.

    It has been funny at times during it's run, and I think a lot of people just hold out hope that it'll get funny again. Or something.

    *Eddie Murphy laugh

    Seems to me that in this day of "smart" phones and information superhighways, not updating the Newswire while you're on vacation is just plain lazy.

    I suspect that AV Club commenter Adam Sandler wrote the headline.

    Hello. My name is Doris. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

    As far as I know, Obamacare is still destroying America, too.

    Nice post/username synergy.

    _x_ Not sure
    *blushes, shuffles feet

    "Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. And also burgers, eaten the proper American way."
    - John 4:34

    Where people wear hats on their feet.

    I don't think urine any position to criticize their findings.

    That seems unlikely for a nerd in the basement.

    Seriously, it's like Ramones Day. Over at TI, too.

    That would certainly be some good gnews.

    No money, no war, no poverty, no disease, flexible spelling. It is truly a future Earth utopia.

    Heart Cooks Brain! Heart Cooks Brain!

    God. Damn. Right.

    Why? It's just alien semen? I like alien semen.