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    I had Bill Murray come into a pizza place I worked at in Providence, and the guy I worked with - an otherwise really likeable person - kind of came on too strong with him. He was loud, for example, drawing a lot of attention, and also a little obnoxious, for example referring to Murray as "that Ghostbusters guy." Bill

    Truly a wedding of biblical proportions.

    Or in other words, don't drive angry.

    This foe is beyond any of us.

    The end comes soon. We hear drums, drums in the deep. They are coming.


    27 different actors.

    Vexed, even!

    You say that like it's something weird.

    No tienes una poca de gracia.

    Hijo de puta!

    Oh no.

    It's usually funny, but I had forgotten by the time I saw your comment, and I was like, "What the hell is he talking about?"

    I didn't get the impression he was really setting her apart, he just chose her as being specially ridiculous. The idea that female characters in comic books serve best as sex fantasies for adolescent boys is hardly a new one.

    Because she's fuckin hungry now, y'know.

    *opens mouth to speak, stops and continues to stare at shoes

    Meg White is a fountain of conversation, man. A geyser.

    A man after my own heart.

    But why, why were you programmed to feel pain?

    Well, it was a nice night for a walk.