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    “As for her looking beautiful and curvy, show me the superheroine who isn’t,”

    [Murdoch has band play "Constipation Blues"]

    Rule Britannia?

    The dilemma: clop or smurf?

    Welcome To The Lego House

    Drunken Masturbator

    Looking forward to the Lars Von Trier line

    And we know how devious and sly those frogeaters are, don't we?

    You know it's only a matter of time before she starts using them in Westeros.

    I'm a Joyer and proud of it. Tell us the truth Lord Eddard!

    Besides, science didn't solve the problem of where the dragons ARE, did it? Shrill yelling took care of that. Checkmate, scientists.

    Fucking Southron news agencies.

    Well, obviously it's not the answer to all our problems. Don't be foolish. Only most of them.

    I would have assumed they were two Dorchester meatheads.


    I c'n take that fuckin queah

    Cah yahd wickid pissah and so on

    Entertainment news is a flat circle.

    Zooey Deschanel. That way, I can abandon her to redecorating the gym with whatever cutesy adorable shit she'll no doubt be obsessed with adding to the festivities, and this'll free me up to get drunk with my friends in the parking lot.