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    Seconded. I never get a bit of goddamn work done on Wednesdays.

    Stop that, dammit.


    Third Planet - Modest Mouse
    JC - Sonic Youth
    Thanks - Wedding Present
    Janie Jones - The Clash
    My Best Friend's Girl - The Cars

    Cousin Oliver

    Anywhere on the California coast north of San Luis Obispo.

    Beautiful weather?

    Mayo time in this thread be enjoyable.

    It's very refreshing!

    Got drunk twice last weekend and really regretted it. One reason to: fruity beers. I really don't care for syrupy blueberry flavored beer. It's…it's not good.


    Mariana Legal, coming to ABC this fall.

    I thought this was about a criminal couple that killed babies.

    What do you call 100,000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?!??

    Stole a song right off some poor immigrant.

    Sure, me too, but it's one show.

    The Voice, The Blacklist, The Sound of Music? It sounds like they're still the worst, only people are watching now.

    Umbrage! We have umbrage over here!

    Juliette Lewis was one of those really revelatory in-the-movies vs. reality people for me. I had a crush too, until I saw some irl photos. I still think she's cool and a fine actress and all, but it really put that fire out quick.
