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    Does it feel anything like DYING IN A FIRE??!!?

    Oh my…

    Okay, 5,000,000 - but they fucked the pillow twice.

    10,000,000 American otakus just fucked a perv-pillow in celebration.

    Get your stupid non-words off my lawn.

    Pretty nasti…

    Le Petit Poney

    Look forward to the inclusion of "happenm".

    A Breeze Seeks Maryanne

    He feels fine.

    Comic Sans is, ironically, no laughing matter.

    I used to think Nancy Grace was a fine journalist and a moral, ethical person until Seth Rogen opened my eyes, thank god.

    Oy, the tsuris he deals with, that Macklemore

    Men in tight pants is never gay

    "turning a woman who’s handcuffed to a bed and hallucinating voices for hundreds of pages into a compelling cinematic experience."

    The Academy has a fondness for films including great writing, you mean.

    He should have a spike through his head.

    2028: Sexy Singer Lady From Jabba's Palace With the Weird Things On Her Head

    I say we take off and nuke the entire franchise from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

    He Moffs adequately.