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    I hope he's okay, I like Ricky.

    *crude sexual innuendo employing the term "back door"

    It's a trilby, m'lady.

    Second seconding


    But Tity's one artist is good.

    Be My Head - The Flaming Lips
    Broke - Modest Mouse
    Open Arms - Journey
    Pond Song - Dinosaur Jr.
    Hourglass - At The Drive-In

    This is bullshit, nobody cares.

    Casey, Jean, Liberty. A lot of wasted names that don't mean diddly shit.

    Legal, obnoxious, and asinine.

    Yes it is.

    Being Alec Baldwin is hardly benign.

    *froths at mouth

    Well, you can get an XBone. I guess.

    They probably are!

    Yeah, part of my motivation is to, y'know, not reward Microsoft for being creepy, arrogant assholes. There's another console on the market that's just as good (unless you're some demented tech-head or fanboy brand loyalist).

    I can't remember how much they've changed in the following months, but originally XBone:
    Required an Xbox Live account to use. You couldn't use the console unless you paid their unique $10/mo fee. That's after paying $500 for the console.
    Would charge you licensing fees for used/borrowed/rented games.
    And of course,

    I want a gritty reboot of Electric Dreams starring WYMM.

    Ever since the original hilarious specs for this console were released, I've been convinced that they planned/designed this thing in a locked underground bunker with no links to the outside world.

    No way!