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    *Krusty the Klown voice
    What the hell was that?

    I wonder if you can pack much back in the back.

    It's a punchy little number.

    Under the supervision of the reverse vampires, yes.

    That's just what the Illuminati wants you to think. Wake up, sheeple.

    Read that as Shelly Long and thought it was a good idea.

    When I read "You might remember that Weaver’s character…" up there it suddenly hit me that there was almost nothing about this movie that I DID remember. For all it's popularity and revolutionary technology, it's a movie that is instantaneously dismissible. It's boring.

    Unobtanium lol


    Real fans speak Ghiscari.

    Guilty of Being Douche

    “Some of those closest to us in this business…are now kind of figuring out that we're huge assholes and don't like us anymore."

    I've never heard either of these bands and now they are my favorite bands of all time.

    "Lots of robots transform into cars or trucks."

    What Hound here is trying to say is that we felt that the franchise no longer had anything to offer us.

    It think Habazziniah: Rechabite Blues is going to be a big hit.

    I don't know. I liked that whole Jacob's Ladder-y conceit, to be honest.

    You remember that one where the guy from The Stepfather acted inscrutable yet authoritative? That one was my favorite.

    Oh. So, all the videos then.

    But will his huge dick be in any of the videos? You can't just leave out important information.