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    Adult Bat Male. Bat Guy.

    As I understand it, the townspeople were more or less stand-ins for the show's audience, in a fairly direct way in this particular instance. Personally, I wouldn't find this a problem, and I can certainly understand a show like the Simpsons taking a few digs at it's (admittedly sometimes…overenthusiastic) audience.

    …keeepin' an eye on you…

    You said you didn't see that aspect of the episode, I pointed out that it's creators had intended to do precisely that. I'm not asking you to like it more or less.


    The show is fine, there's nothing wrong with the show. There is something deeply wrong with the armies of thirtysomething basement dwellers who treat it as the end all of human existence.

    God, I envy those people.

    *wipes hand on your shirt

    The writers have more or less said that they were mocking Simpsons fans in one of the many oblivious and self-congratulatory defenses of that episode.

    Are you aware that "Yvan eht nioj" contains most of the letters in BENGHAZI? Explain that away, pal.

    That's absurd, didn't you read the post - it's a teleportation jump room. What kind of idiot would believe two people could be gone for six months and no one would notice. Lol.

    Don't be fucking ridiculous. Jesus the lame-ass stuff you people come up with. Of course they were real planes. Empty and remote controlled, but entirely real.

    Super Si2e Me

    Robert Guillame and Inga Swenson - True Detective season 2

    I got a Deadwood notification for this?

    You know what's worse than a movie with Jesse Eisenberg?

    Woody Allen's films have long since inured me to this kind of thing.

    Freak Scene - Dinosaur Jr.
    1901 - Phoenix
    Total Peace - Sebadoh
    Manic Depresssion - NoMeansNo
    Mother's Little Helper - Rolling Stones

    I couldn't give a fuck as long as Gary Busey comes back.

    “creative differences,” which you can have on a Point Break remake starring Gerard Butler, apparently.