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    Everyone at the TI forum is a guy pretending to be a girl. There are no girls.

    Itchy and Scratchy Brand Bordeaux Reds for Children

    Yes, like sleeveless mesh shirts and coffee cups with male bodybuilders on them.

    Ew. Also, yes.

    Darth Mope.

    A real psycho.

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Ancient Fear of Dwindling Profits

    I liked his appearances on Happy Days In Space.

    At least three. You're a fucker, Dik.

    So the underwear's still available?

    I'll kick you in the nuts. Keep the DVD.

    I am sure that it is, but I cannot recall a specific instance in which it was.

    All of it. All of it is disturbing.

    It was particularly confusing when I was staying with my brother in Portland and my friend from Vancouver (BC) came down and told me we were going to Vancouver (WA). Parentheses mine, you see.

    Stupid fucking idiots need the most attention!


    You're skeptical that a person named "BonerTime" who you caught rummaging around in your trash is a highly skilled attorney? Talk about distrustful.

    And he gets to keep this old bird cage.

    What do you need that for, Dude?

    What'cha doin?
    Chewin chocolate.
    Where'd ya get it?
    Wookiee dropped it.
    Carry on.