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    The first Firestarter adaptation is pretty faithful. The terrible TV version of the Stand is surprisingly faithful.

    So what you're saying is that there's still hope.

    I'm disappointed because I was hoping it would fail a little more spectacularly.

    There are mutant boobs. With mandibles.

    I keep trying to forget this ever happened, but some bastard always has to fuck it up for me.

    Hey, he has good people in his audience.

    Don't care for them.

    It's inside.

    So they include Toothless from HTTYD, but skip over the villainous one that was as big as a fucking mountain?

    They would the way I roll them.

    Everyone can shut up about meteorology, I know rain is just God peeing on my face. The way I like it.

    Didn't he turn into a cat?

    Everybody needs to eat.

    Innerspace rules

    I'd watch that fucking show.

    Gwyneth Paltrow?

    Will Farrell doing his Robert Goulet.

    Sometimes I'm pointing at my ass. Or the screen.

    So basically much like the Beatles recording Let It Be. Only without the recording. Or the album.