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    Well, yeah. It was a sign that read, "Dale Street."

    I'm fuckin hungry now y'know

    Where we watch a young man head down a dark path from Cpt. Crunch to Scooters.

    Anyone else getting a perfect 3D effect from that AT&T logo? Far out, man.

    Uh, I'd also like to express my fondness for that particular service.

    What's this now?

    This show is so painfully dumb that I have to wonder if they did it because it's so close to "Poe."


    HIS War (over copyright infringement)

    Well, maybe you could inform the uninitiated in the comments section?

    The man is walking sex. He's approaching sixty and I still want to fuck him. And I'm a straight male.

    No masturbation in THIS mansion!

    Every American should own a copy of Purple Rain.

    Mrs. Doubtfire 2: Funny, with a stroke.

    I wish I still had that "Kill Everyone Now" t-shirt.

    Shirts don't kill people, cravats do.

    James Franco is everywhere. He is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see him when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel him when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes.

    Do coke dealers and hookers accept JuggaloCoin?

    Get a brain, moran kritix.

    You'll send him a thank you card and like it or he'll have his powerful cabal of Hollywood friends destroy you.