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    Franco makes everything…interesting…

    It hanged itself once it was clear there was no escape.

    Where's Sheen in all this?

    Just because you're embarast to have gone to UNAM doesn't mean you have to take it out on everyone else, senor.

    No, but do it anyway.

    I'd love a vicious, pitiless Doubtfire snatching people away to be Litte Doubtfire incubators.

    Tell that to Nicolas Fatio de Duillier.

    Truly Neurotic Detective season 2

    What a very Freudian interpretation.

    Oh, I know all of that. It's just that for years whenever I referred to JD as bourbon, there was always some asshole on hand to scream, "It's sooooooouurr mmmaaaaaaasssh, waaaaahhh!!"

    Just saw my very first glasshole in the wild today. As I predicted, he looked like a dork.

    Once a week, every week.

    And the insufferable pedant says, "JD isn't bourbon."

    No drinking this past weekend. Very proud and also not hungover.

    Out The Window - Violent Femmes
    Metronome* - NoMeansNo
    Feel Your Love Tonight - Van Halen
    Bad Moon Rising - Creedence
    Metronome Arthritis* - At The Drive-In

    A fine film that I will never watch again.

    Did somebody say Winston?

    You mean the Double Dog Dare? From Burger King?

    I remember. There were two, that girl and one of the evil Slytherins. Diversity.

    Umm…except the Patils were Indian and Cho was Chinese?