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    Dammit, the pun thread is below.

    Yes you may have gotten into your date's famous bowl.

    Well, yes, if she beats me up and I go to the hospital, our prom night will certainly be one we both remember.

    "Hippogriffs are dangerous! The mandrakes are going to kill someone!"

    And that's a print. We're all done here.



    I've never seen the new Manchurian Candidate, but AV Club gave it a good review as well as a "Watch This."

    I always thought "drowning" was enough to make him angry.

    It's not just a problem with horror movies. The idea that mystery and/or ambiguity are good things is lost on many filmmakers.

    Man speaks with his nosecock

    I'm gonna use your tongue to paint my boat.

    * Bear sees Bonnie Grape, laments missed opportunity

    This is the best news I've heard all week.

    Black students? At Hogwarts?

    I can't understand how that place hasn't been sued into a smoldering hole in the ground.

    And he's dead. Besides, Dzhokhar was still an active participant and had plenty to do with causing it.


    Freddy Kruger has a nicer ass than I remember.