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    Well, I see press releases, but no Star Wars rumors. Oh, wait. They're Star Wars rumors all right, I see one of them now.

    See? SEE??!! These mass attacks can happen without guns. This Pennsylvania attack in which no one was killed is just like that Chinese attack in which no one was killed. All exactly the same as those firearms attacks in which people are killed. Checkmate, libtards!

    It would be difficult to get everything into a post, as it's more a cumulative thing. Y'know, lotta ins lotta outs lotta what have yous.

    That's the one I meant.

    Guests: Seems like we broke into the wrong goddamn rec room, didn't we?

    I only love one, but I'm eyeing the little bastard and reaching for my gun right now. I just don't trust him anymore.

    Little known fact: Michael Gross is an obsessive model train enthusiast.

    I do it for free minutes in the booth. I'm not sure what the standard pay actually is.

    But I read somewhere that Jett was reported as saying, "Oh, no no no no no no no , not me me me me me me me ."

    Trying to do this as well. It is really hard to get back into the swing. The real problem, for me, is that writing is an awful, unpleasant, self-esteem crushing activity that I hate.

    Sorta crappy in general, to be honest.

    I can relate, I always burst into tears whenever someone starts talking about Avenged Sevenfold.

    Yeah, it has something to do with the acidity of what you're cooking it in. In our case a little wine, olive oil. It was so weird and dinner looked like something out of Hook, but it tasted fine.

    Yeah, Nessie's invited too.

    Has anyone ever had the experience of having garlic turn a bright turquoise color before? This happened to me and Lady Rev over the weekend and we freaked out, but I looked it up online and it's apparently a thing.


    I need one of those 24 packs of Snapple. No, two of them.

    Pickpocket - At The Drive-In
    I Wanna Be Sedated - The Ramones
    Haiti - Arcade Fire
    Still In Hollywood - Concrete Blonde
    Johnny Hit and Run Pauline - X

    He's not crazy, just ignorant.

    Calamus International University, proud source of many leading geocentrist scienticians.