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    A movie studio was rehashing an old idea based on another studio's property that was adapted from another medium? I'm appalled.

    You don't drink clear liquors after Lord Nigel Buckley-Fizzlebottom's Day.


    It's a thought.

    The final scene is him restarting the story with his other children.

    I don't even know how to respond to that.

    Yeah, they've really given that whole aspect of the story short shrift here. In the novel, Slynt and Thorne basically show up while Castle Black's at it weakest and stage a coup, and it happens considerably later - after Jon and what's left of the garrison fight off the Thenns and then hold the wall for a week against

    I bet he and Ser Alliser both named their swords.

    Yeah, that was odd.

    I laughed out loud at the fade in on him standing in the same pose.

    Yeah they seem to have merged the two.

    I never got the impression that Dorne was more tolerant, only that Oberyn was a man who gave no fucks.

    Well, he is Doran's brother, so it's not crazy.

    Yes, in the book Oberyn is also a bisexual fuckslut.

    "You going to lose your life over some chickens?"

    Anything is an improvement over that Barry-Pepper-in-Battlefield-Earth guy.

    Both those books were un-put-downable.

    I will suck your purple rain cock for that. Let's do this.

    A kindergartener is wielding Janek's black box. It's like that Twilight Zone episode.

    Shooter McGavin was molested by his uncle at the age of 8.