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    I'm sure she'll get a much more nuanced and fully realized character here than she did on True Detective.

    Dammit. Is there a little doggie door for supplicants somewhere around here?

    Dammit, man, don't TELL me that.

    The Muppets movies have been fun, in spite of the fact that the two most crucial voice actors for the Muppets weren't in them.

    10 is a nice round number.

    I think the fact that I can't think of a single specific Simpsons item that I own, but that I'm sure there's something around somewhere, is a testament to the truth of your statement.

    Reenactment: May not have happened

    As long as it's on I can pretend I'm not old.

    It's very acidic!

    Mind blown.

    Makes me cry. There's still Nova. Nova's okay.

    His lemonade gives me heartburn so I say good riddance.

    Ahhhhhhh…N and SSC, the acronyms of my adolescence.

    Honestly I think a pornographic film featuring the likes of us would most appropriately have a soundtrack consisting of nothing but theremin.

    What with the Nymphomaniac article, MLA's interview, and Shark After Dark, I must say the AV Club turned into a hardcore sex site so gradually I hardly even noticed.

    I don't consider sex negative feminism to be an extreme idea at all. Or even all that unpopular an opinion within the feminist community. It seems to me that this rift has obtained in contemporary feminism for half a century or more. Though admittedly, I am a heterosexual, cisgender, white male.

    Been wondering when this was going up. Great read MLA, it's always fascinating to get a look behind the curtain. The boob curtain.

    I take that as a personal insult. If you don't think collecting Precious Moments figurines and watching old Three's Company episodes for fourteen hours a day is interesting, well then I just feel sorry for you.

    On my computer? Yes.