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    People want to see me naked, but only for the purposes of scientific research.

    In my case it was the correct answer.

    I'm sure it's not what he wanted to be remembered for, but his five minutes in Death Becomes Her are the only reason to watch that movie.

    Not spy books, but just books. If you're an avid reader, you're one step away from being a badass.

    No, seriously, he fixes the cable. I've seen this three times. Worst porn ever.

    I don't need Lebowski Fest, man , I need my fuckin' johnson.

    I'm just gonna go find a cash machine.

    Those are good burgers.

    Oh, they won't do anything like that. I'm sure Dunham will introduce a progressive, sophisticated Iowan early in the season to have sex with before dropping after two episodes.


    This is my all-time favorite spy movie, in spite of it's all too era-appropriate costume design. I mean seriously, Cliff Robertson in that hat?
    The scene with Redford and Max Von Sydow at the end is famous for good reason: it's an excellent scene between two great actors and, Jesus, but Von Sydow's dialogue is

    He's OF COCK blocked.

    They had me at "into your rectum".


    Well, sure, that's what it's for.

    What do you mean he don't tip?

    Don't be fatuous.

    He's not circumcised.

    I've just started to use Netflix streaming on my Xbox and I'm finding that really infuriating as well. Browsing for stuff is basically not a thing at all anymore outside of the "based on the other shit you've watched" suggestions. You basically have to know what you want to watch and look for it using their shitty

    "Hefty Transsexual Cakefart Sluts 19"
    "Don't you fucking judge me, box."