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    "Wouldn't you rather watch 12 Years A Slave?"
    "You watch a lot of crap."
    "Hey, fuck you, box."

    Thank god, someone older than me. Happy Birthday, grampa!

    Good question!


    A handjob without a couple of boob-squeezes is no handjob at all.

    Yeah, it definitely grows on you.

    I finally got around to seeing Room 237 this past weekend, and I really enjoyed it. I particularly liked it's basic form. The clips-and-archival-footage-with-voiceover-narration approach was really much more entertaining to me than the obvious succession-of-talking-heads approach that the subject matter lent itself

    I don't know. It's cold and he's at war or something?

    I'm getting damn sick of people standing in doorways. A doorway is for passing through, not standing in.

    Boobs are nice.

    Pardon me, ma'am, but are those space pants you're wearing?

    Charles Dance, motherfucker, dance!

    Only a fool would ruin his chances of bathing in a shit and corpse infested river.

    He really was just the worst. He always made me think of that guy - you know the one. He's funny at parties and such and his friends all tell him he should try stand up. He heads to an open mic night and 99.9999999% of the time goes home humiliated. Somehow, Mencia ended up with a Comedy Central show instead.

    Oh, is this the guy who played the demigod no one had ever heard of? Never heard of him.

    For those about to OF COCK, he salutes you.

    Carlos Mencia

    All I'm trying to find out is where The Current War is taking place!

    I hope he tells that story about how a shark ate his boat as a kid, and that's how he became an actor.

    These are not people who use the word c__t.