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    Missing Poe references: Classic Poe

    Oh, they're still around. You can always count on the Quebecois to eat the most horrific food.

    Well, she sure as hell doesn't eat at Nickels.

    Sitches Get Stiches

    Except that one they did for no reason at all.

    That's outrageous.

    Angels Live In My Town

    Aw, I already knew that.

    Now let's forget our troubles with a big bowl of strawberry ice cream!

    They're filled with bunly goodness.

    That's one of very few specific sketches I remember from that show.

    - Well, hello there, ma'am. I'm here to clear the viruses off your hard drive, if you get my meaning.

    To honor her memory, she must be erased from history.

    Hello Joe!

    Sounds like a zyklon B-movie, am I right?

    I'd like to see every shot of Neeson on the phone replaced with Gibson's crazy-eyed ranting gimme-back-my-son shot from Ransom, with the Neeson dialogue intact.

    But you will blow him first.

    That's certainly a particular set of skills.

    I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills - skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like Jews.

    It's the Saturday Night Fever of 80s pop songs.