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    I always miss the good articles. Also, that song is awesome.

    Geese are total and complete fuckers. They're both irritable and surprisingly violent. Go ahead and run those fucks over.

    Don't answer this unnatural creature.


    Saving Private Pooh

    Lol. That's awful.

    Eeyore will be the dead-eyed guy who comes home from the war, only to commit suicide months later because he can't escape the horrific memories and bad dreams.

    Sure, and I've considered that. I just don't see any real issues worthy of that kind of a response, especially over at TI, which is about as innocuous a forum as I've ever encountered on the internet. Granted, there have been some douchefucks trickling over here since The Apocalypse, but even here they're an obvious…

    So this will be a gritty reboot where Winnie is a shellshocked combat vet?


    I liked EBM and BT both, but I have to say I have little respect for the ragequit.

    Not at all. Guy has a lot of class.

    Oh, yeah? That's fascinating. Anyway, here's another movie about guys who love guns and tits.

    I've seen things you people wouldn't believe - Live studio audiences at CBS Television City. I watched Pepsi Free commercials glitter in the dark on a CRT set. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears. In. Rain.

    No, but I've got a couple of the Plots 'R Us Mortuary Service commercials.

    They've co-opted The Prophet!

    I wish I had 40,000 tapes of the UHF channels I grew up with.

    You're mixing up 70s game shows with your blackouts again.

    I'm thrilled to find out I'm an historian now and not just some skeezy chronic masturbator.
