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    No, that's "Shartopus". And, no, you don't want a plot summary.

    And Areo Hotah, ASOIAF's most fascinating character.

    Yeah, isn't she an advocate of breastfeeding until your kid is 30 or something?

    He's released a few. One is an Arianne chapter, and we all know what kind of excitement we can expect from Dorne.

    Apparently it pissed Mayim Bialik off good and proper.

    Now that I have the condensed version, I'm just going to print it out and stop coming here.

    You'll get more hits with "Lindsay Lohan Train Wreck"

    She's a goddamn weirdo in general.

    April is coming

    So this makes the, what, third excerpt he's released in which nothing happens?

    You shut your goddamn mouth.

    Sweep the leg, VelJohnson.

    If they reassembled the Firefly cast I might actually watch this.

    He must have done something terrible to wind up in the special hell.

    Well that was weird.

    Ice to see you.

    "Not now, I'm watching my stories."

    It happens

    Oh shit

    This is..what?