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    This could actually be pretty good, they just need to find a director.

    "Let's get a drink"?

    How can you not like that movie? It's almost as good as Point of No Return.

    You should take that entire post and send it to her in an email.

    He may be a backstabbing son of a bitch, but I bet Lando knows how to party.

    I love all the people who seem to think that the pedestrian right of way law is a magical protective shield that will save them when a bus plows into them at 35 mph.

    I want to go outside, just once in a day, just one day a week, and smoke a cigarette in peace for five minutes without a dozen fucking assholes crawling up out of the sidewalk to bug me for one.

    I could get you some soup at the Uno Due Go across the street, but I think you live kind of far away.

    Jungleland works, too.

    How good do you really want the production values to be when you're listening to Nailbomb, though?

    Grampa S's newspaper is the winner here.

    I'm thinking "Tequila" or maybe "Turn The Page" for sax.

    I can't think of many movies that had such disappointing sequels, and that's saying a lot. Eddie and the Cruisers 2, maybe. But RTS is a classic. Like you, it was a movie I was surprised to find was as good as an adult as I had when I was ten or whatever, though for some different reasons.

    The Tiny Dancer

    Leftover tuna sub FTW

    I had a bad hangover weekend. I need to stop getting old. Is there a trick to it?

    Holy shit Nailbomb.

    I'm guessing it's also very painful?

    You're going to want to stop aging at this point.

    Playing every hick town in Quebec, apparently. Does anyone else find that odd?