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    This whole thing feels like an admission of wrongdoing.

    I know how Nick will cleanse: booze.

    Well, yeah.

    Possible Response:
    - Yes/No
    - Or What?
    - Go Away
    - Please Come Back Later
    - Get Off My Lawn

    This makes me so angry I want to chew my own foot off.



    Dik the War Pig. I like it.

    Not when it's boner time.

    I tried courtesy, but that fat fuck needs to be shamed into dieting, obviously.

    "Well, I haven't been voted Worst Employee in America lately…"

    Someone post a link to a bad sausage company.

    For-profit prison industry is at it again.


    If you're looking for a really disappointing vacation, you can get the Dalton Deluxe.

    They give you the opportunity to not have sex with Lynn-Holly Johnson.

    Chase Roger Moore up the Eiffel Tower!

    Sub-creatures! Diddy the Gozerian, PDiddy the Destructor, Puff Daddy Zildrohar, the Traveller has come! Choose and perish!

    You forgot Frank Booth's Pussy Heaven.

    Poop Doody. His name should be Poop Doody.