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    Exactly. Not knowing the Space Jockey's backstory is what made the Space Jockey interesting.

    He was the one who told me about it, so it's an understandable mistake. That guy is an encyclopedia of cinema knowledge.

    No, they're robots.

    Look if running through the streets screaming "NO!" at the top of my lungs on a Sunday afternoon in my neighborhood wasn't enough for you, that's just your tough shit.

    It obviously had plenty to do with Alien, they just didn't want people thinking it was an actual Alien movie.

    I'd need to actually read that to have a real opinion, but I was/am hostile to the idea of an Alien prequel in general. I've always thought it was a bad idea.

    Virtually anything can be fucked up worse. That's not an endorsement!


    While I hated Prometheus, and I hate that he's making a sequel, and I have nothing but contempt for even the idea of a new Blade Runner film - I will say this: You can never have too much Fassbender.

    Ooohhhh. See, I meant "worst" as in "I smoke too much pot." Poorly phrased.

    Hats. But only for our witch doctors.

    This is true. Just as I'm always surprised when I'm reminded, I always have to remind myself that when you're from New England, omnipresent Catholics is a thing.

    Wish I could say the same, but I'm Irish.

    This is sadly common. It's a kind of modern Manifest Destiny embraced by many Christians.

    Trust me, Dikachu's dick is magical.

    I won't be satisfied until Cosmos examines the very real possibility that we are living inside a computer simulation controlled by hostile artificial intelligences.

    I got a pretty good scientific education at a Catholic high school. It always surprises me when I am reminded how little people seem to know about Catholics.

    I didn't mean to disappoint you personally. Please forgive me.

    Downvoted because I prefer the term, "Pinko."

    Are you still directing?