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    George RR Martin: Zaniac


    They have a set number of seasons in mind, but it's not as if they're legally bound to that number. He was basically just saying, "Well, they have options if I fuck this all up."

    I'd prefer the books to be unspoilerable, personally.

    MasterChef: Harrenhall

    Hammock district

    Ah, love songs for delusional stalkers. Good memories.

    Is that a recent picture of Baio? Fucker's looking good.

    That's so Yoda.

    Will he stay there?

    I don't like you either.

    Looking forward to the Colt45 Dance.

    He had no choice!

    One does not simply walk into Hodor.

    Fapper. It's the famous fapping sword of the elves.

    They figure out that Meg Tilly is the daughter.

    Mopey and Dopey is what I was already calling the real Gyllenhaals.

    Alcopheliac. But obviously, he won't remember.

    Looks photoshopped, you ask me.