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    The right answer is "yes."

    Tell me more about these dwarves…

    lol "rap"

    Wait til you see Nymphomaniac Vol 2.

    Only if it's coked-up-whoremonger Tom Sizemore.

    Here, take a look at this gif:

    Excuse me, but we prefer the term "singularity."

    He probably just assumes they'll all convert now that Jesus has saved them by way of Bruce Willis.


    Well, surely it's up for debate. It's just that people who take a contrary position are wrong.

    Won't you come, and wash away all the niggling little scientific inaccuracies in uninformed Hollywood films?

    Craaaaaaazy days.

    That's odd. I just saw Tyson a few months ago in some video where he was decrying the way ALL these celestial impact movies depict comets/asteroids streaking across the sky. He said that in the event of a body that large, you'd just have a big flash of light and sayonara.

    I could be wrong about this, but if I remember correctly the way they depict the actual landing of the comet, it appears to land so close to shore, and in such shallow waters, that it would have been indistinguishable from a land impact anyway.

    Breaking: internet revolutionary fires shot heard 'round the world. From couch.

    I'd say you've got about another ten days before everyone hates it.

    John McClane.

    Yeah, he pretty much had me at "shabbily dressed men loping after them sideways on all fours like gorillas."

    Pretty nasti…

    Rev recoils in horror as he realizes he really does look like Veronica Cartwright.