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    I only watch NCIS: Los Angeles

    y es solamente un borracho…

    I have to admit to having made some irresponsible decisions with regard to driving after drinking, but I can't imagine turning a key in the ignition when you're so shitfaced you'd plow into a crowd full of people.

    Doge: Portrait Of A Serial Killer

    Have you seen the new grumpycat where he's a depraved sexual deviant and meth addict? Awesome.

    Either "ZOQUO" or "EEEEEEE"

    Always makes me think of The Long Kiss Goodnight.

    This show is now the ultimate power in the universe!

    I look forward to his self-portrait that looks like a 12 year old with learning disabilities is the subject.

    They hate liars, lieberal.

    I was careful to say "almost."

    Yeah, it's one of those few things that generates almost no nostalgic neo-fanbase.

    Hell I can't listen to anything after Psalm 69 anyway.

    Do you give yourself, like, double handjobs, or is that your only dong?

    They made Revenge Of The Nerds like, 30 years ago, man.

    Been on a VH jag, downloading everything with Roth. Good times.

    LOLing and liking for SOD.

    That's serious.

    Jesse Eisenberg. I know he's an old favorite, hardly an original choice. But Now You See Me has been on a lot lately, and I just never realized how much I hate his smug fucking face and irritating expressions before.

    Shit yes, man POUR the FUCKin BEER.