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    Metronome - NoMeansNo
    All Night Diner - Modest Mouse
    Burning Inside - Ministry
    Synchronicity II - The Police
    Beautiful Girls - Van Halen

    Never heard it referred to in this way. I am, of course, familiar.

    My week's been pretty good so far - I'm all alone at work all week so I've been coming in late, leaving early, slacking off. It's been nice, but I've been so lazy that things are piling up and I'm starting to have anxiety about it. I'm so neurotic, I can't have fun.

    Not familiar…

    My dong is also okay.

    I'm not in NY, but I am okay.

    Got half a burrito waiting for me in the fridge. Mmmmmm…cold burrito…


    You shout at NBC?

    You'd never think you'd have to say that out loud, and yet…

    Someone just did!

    And they just told me they'd be airing the pilot in two weeks.

    Pretty sure it should still be spelled "Furguson."

    …and roast boar, with venison pies and stuffed swan, and flaggons of mead and an ale so thick it's like to choke you…

    I'm still trying to avenge Harry Dean Stanton in Red Dawn.

    They just want to have oral and anal intercourse with each other. No gay stuff.

    True Detective season 2

    …and lamprey, and figs, and honeyed ginger, and wine and hippocras…

    There have been many movies and television shows that have been successful that have strong women protagonist and characters, and not "in spite of them" either, at least in my opinion. To me, that's represents pretty good evidence that these stats don't necessarily reflect our cultural tenor as much as could be

    There's increasing evidence piling up that they're not getting fucked hard enough.