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    I think this afternoon they're releasing a video deposition Shia sat for about some battery lawsuit filed by a photographer.

    The Rust/Marty relationship has really been the highlight of the season. The biggest shock of the episode for me came when Marty in his hospital bed referred to Rust as "my friend" with such absolute sincerity.

    Jist associates.

    I'm not trying to defend Moore, it's just that in the above article it seems to suggest that Gordon was ignorant of the infidelity at the time of Moore's interview being published, when in fact she appeared to know not only last year, but while the affair was happening.

    I'm not liking this because you have not actually indicated that you are now, or have ever been, drinking.

    I'm a little confused, and it may be just my reading comprehension skills deteriorating with age, but when you say "there’s still no indication that Gordon actually knew Moore was cheating on her" I thought of that Elle interview from last year:


    Hey, 36 degrees is awesome. Comparatively speaking.

    I hope an earthquake kills you.

    Zorro? Me? No, no, he's over there.


    *stands up and says so


    Grimly swings on a chandelier. While brooding.

    I would say it works well for Batman, but it's also a 30 year old "revision" that's getting tedious at this point.

    Has George Hamilton been cast?

    I bought this pen exactly one hour before my bike was stolen. Why? What's the significance? I DON'T KNOW!

    We didn't see the end of the scene where Dr. Rumack leans out of the door and calls down, "Good luck. We're all counting on you."

    I felt that way, too. Then I saw the spread and it was like finding out the bump was a clerical error that had been rectified.

    I'll watch, lose interest, and then probably watch again in an hour.