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    I see Zoot and Dr. Teeth - but no Janice, no sale!

    Steakflower would never participate in that kind of filth.

    Well, if Vera Farmiga is a regular guest…

    Here's to hoping this trend dies a quick death sometime before 2016.

    Did someone say bass solo?


    I have no idea what the sizable library of contracts says specifically, it just seems like with a cash cow like ASOIAF, any publisher would be more cautious.

    The novel series is a powerhouse for his publisher. I'm not worried about the showrunners not knowing what to do, I just don't think Bantam (is it Bantam?) is likely to allow it.

    I look forward to the Nerd Riots of 2016.


    Succinct and probably true.

    Both of them.

    It looks like they're going to be starting the FFC and DWD content by the end of this season, and no doubt they're going to drop a lot from both books, which would make 7 seasons plausible. I just don't see the show getting into unpublished events of the story. Do we really believe that both novels will be released by…

    I could never really get into the Sisters of Mercy. I liked "Ribbons."

    Colbert Syndrome.


    If you blow your nose, I want to keep it.

    Here's to Ben.

    The original Salem's Lot.

    Local what?