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    I Am Brilliant

    Legend. It wasn't a subtle movie.

    True Detective Season 2

    I loved MB, and I've always worried about a possible film adaptation. Still, there are worse hands to put it into. I'll reserve judgment for now.

    I'll probably end up catching it on HBO next month.

    Speaking for imbeciles, we saunter.

    The Mindy Project's newest attempt to distract from its content and lead is Tim Daly.

    The bartender says, "Eagle Eye sucked!" They leave.

    Hear, hear.

    It's not that you're wrong, exactly, but you sound like an angry grampa.

    In some situations I prefer it, because for whatever reason I've always had an issue with background noise and phone calls. If there's a lot (say, I'm on the subway), I'd really rather text, even if it is a conversation and not just a couple of quick messages.

    That's interesting, but how exactly are they closing the loophole? I'm curious about this because I have international friends but don't want to up my already extravagant (by my standards) phone bill, so I'd been considering an app like this. How will I fail?

    For awhile there, my own texting plan was a separate charge. I think it still is for some people? Also, I think it also allows for international texts, whereas most phone plans, again, will charge extra. If I'm wrong about that, please correct me.

    I definitely wouldn't pick Aerosmith, I'm just saying they'd be preferable to NKTB. The Cars would be a good choice.

    "about a couple of guys living in a bunker after Earth dies"
    So, The Walking Dead without zombies. Sounds fun.

    Zombies be downvotin'

    I am really loving this warm weather. It's like almost 40 degrees here! Balmy!

    Aerosmith was good in the seventies, NKTB were never worth a damn.

    I was surprised, too.
