
I know a lot of girls IRL who are going to relate to this in a big way.

Khia (of "My Neck, My Back" infamy) is responsible for one of my favorite interludes, called "Bitch Bitch". It's just 30 seconds of Khia going "biiiitch….bitch bitch…bitch bitch bitch" in a weird monotone voice without any context at all. It's hilarious to imagine somebody deciding not only to record that, but to make

Shaggy - Angel
She was there through my incarceray-SHON
I wanna show the nay-SHON
My appreciay-SHON

Hard Target is incredible. You take that back!

We can ill-afford another Klendathu!
I fucking love this movie.


I've fallen for the Old Fashioned and fallen hard. Initially, it was sort of a "hey, wouldn't it be cool to be like Don Draper?" thing, but after I watched a bartender spend five minutes meticulously mixing it (no shit, it was like watching an alchemist turn lead into gold) and then realizing it was essentially

Pictures for Sad Children.

saw them last week
They put on an incredibly fun and energetic show. The stuff off this EP sounded great live, especially since they opened with "Teen Creeps" into "You're a Target", which nearly set off a riot. They also introduced some new songs, and if those were any indication, their next album could be a

Fish Tank has just been released in the UK, so I have to say that the analysis here is a bit reductive. The aspect that set the film apart from a majority of kitchen-sink realism for me was the utterly gorgeous cinematography. It's rare that such a bleak film possesses such an assured sense of composition and light.

a recent favorite
Frightened Rabbit's The Midnight Organ Fight is a great album, and the closer "Floating in the Forth" is a rare example of an anti-suicide song that comes by its emotional power honestly. It's also not afraid to address the topic directly, with the narrator imagining his suicide and finally deciding

I loved the scene with Peggy and Olive, because it was really the first time we heard Peggy place herself in the context of the women's rights movement taking root at the time. She's no militant feminist, but she seems aware of her status and the freedoms it affords her. I particularly liked her leaning into Olive and

the most depressing song
If I were to kill myself, I'd want Xiu Xiu's cover of "Fast Car" to be the soundtrack. The original is pretty bleak, but Jamie Stewart's barely whispered vocals coupled with the utterly hopeless droning arrangement of the song is almost too heartwrenching to listen to. I find myself playing it

I was in a movie theater once, explaining to my friend the cliche of the movie title always exploding on screen at the end of the trailer. This was during the trailer for "The Alamo" and sure enough, at the end of the trailer, before I was even done with my sentence…

I loved Adventureland
What was marketed as an aggressively stupid, lowbrow teen sex comedy is actually one of the most poignant coming-of-age films in years. Great soundtrack, characters who feel like real people you've known rather than sitcom-style constructs, and a generally relaxed atmosphere that recalls Freaks

This is not a movie about WWII
This is a movie about the love of movies, and Tarantino's love of movies in particular. He is using his art to essentially rewrite history, and it's two and a half hours of pure cinematic joy. The Stiglitz origin story, The Bear Jew's introduction, the "King Kong" bar game, the "Cat

my favorite compilations
anyone interested in this sort of thing should really check out the amazing compilations put out by Soundway Records, particularly the Nigeria Special: Modern Highlife, Afro-sounds, and Nigerian Blues comp. It's great, great stuff that doesn't quite fit into the Afro-beat mold and it's perfect

Pinkerton was a huge album for me
So catchy and yet so lyrically fraught with cynicism and disillusionment, it soundtracked my long 9th grade afternoons sitting in the back of the bus with my enormous headphones on.

"We can ill-afford another Klendathu!" is one of my all time favorites movie lines. I try to use it in everyday conversation. It doesn't work as well as you'd think.

can I just say
for all the understandable griping about Bravo's endless commercials and misleading editing, at least Top Chef isn't as bad as fucking Hell's Kitchen.