
Computers are hard
Would it be possible to have a "Letter Grade on/off" setting that is tied to a reader's profile, kind of like the "oldest first/newest first" setting?

Dwight never actually said it was HIS urine, did he? Just that "it was urine."

There's no petting zoo up there; that's just ridiculous.

This one's easy for me
I want to listen to Radiohead's KidA for the first time again.

Two feet
Walt should have just encouraged Walt Jr with the whole two-footed driving thing.

I've heard an album by The Burden Bros before - I couldn't get past the "hey thats the dude from the Toadies!" aspect of it.

Back to the 90s
Lately I have been listening to The Toadies' Rubberneck over and over again, at increasingly high volumes.

As someone who went into this whole series cautiously optimistic at best, I can't say enough about how awesome this episode was.

The Moon and Antartica
I associate TMAA very strongly with my horrendous experience in New Orleans after Katrina (the story of which I've posted here before, so i won't go back over it), but that tends to make like it even more.

That was an M4, which has an AR-#, but I don't know it(4 maybe?).

This was like the mother who walked out in a huff with her 9-year-old son during an extended nudity scene in The Wrestler. Normally, I wouldn't have thought anything about it, but this was after the staple-gun scene.

Easy, fellas. I think season 1 is just fine, but when starting a skeptic out on a show, I like to hit them with everything it has right up front.

Burn Notice
Josh, I don't think I will be alone in saying that you could safely skip season 1, and just jump into season 2, which is much, much better.

Dude! Are you kidding me?
Of course the correct answer is The Blues Brothers. You people live in Chicago, don't you?

It was kind of like a Modest Mouse album - some really great moments, but it just wasn't GREAT, you know?

Phel, you live where Arcade Fire does, and I live where the Flaming Lips do.

Opie's cute small-town-charm vs. ZMF's OWNAGE.

This could be good
I just hope Tracy doesn't get replaced by Jackie Chan at the last minute.