
I was going to post this as well, but you beat me to it.

I honestly don't believe that encounter was scripted - I think it is more that we are so used to them acting smug and playful that sheer terror was not something we recognized.

Yes. If you think Top Gear is only about fast cars and 'splosions, you have not watched enough Top Gear. Watch one of the specials - when they go to Africa, the US, or to Vietnam.

There must be one
Noel, there has got to be one band you loved in the beginning, before they changed direction, right?

But they are also pretty unique in that even though they have become big recently, you don't hear very much bitching about their early stuff being ignored…Their fans tend to be pretty even-keeled like that.

I agree with you BUT
There are perfectly valid reasons to feel abandoned by an artist after a debut. I'll use Wilco as an example. I absolutely love Yankee Hotel Foxtrot - it is one of my favorite albums. But I have a friend who loves alt-country, and every time I bring YHF up, I get an earful about how much better

The Flaming Lips (their latest maybe not as much) is a great example.

I am also excited for Breaking Bad, but $40 for seven episodes? Does that seem expensive to anyone else?

I've never experienced such wild swings of emotion listening to a song as I do listening to that TVOTR cover of Heroes. That song is one of my favorites, and while I like TVOTR, I wanted to hate their cover the first time I heard it.

Awesome, guys - that should keep me busy for a while.

So assuming I've only seen The Big Sleep and The Maltese Falcon (I may have seen others and just not realized they are classified as noir), what should I do next? I'd like to get a good "classic noir" base and then start branching out…

Yup. I've just started. I had never seen The Big Sleep until a few weeks ago - holy shit that movie was awesome. I wish I hadn't waited so long…

Cool feature, guys
These are some of the things I need help with/could help others:

A notice if you buy this on vinyl
I just picked this up on vinyl, and there is no download code included, so buyer beware and all that.

Yup. I didn't realize when I hit play that it was going to be 10 minutes+.

I'm ashamed…so very ashamed
To admit that I've never heard this album from start to finish. I suppose this means that I have one less excuse now…

You Are The Blood
I don't know how many of you have heard that Sufjan song, but if you haven't, stop whatever it is you are doing and seek that shit out.

It may be more that she is unemployed and living with her parents with 6 other kids. I don't think a husband being around would make a difference if they were both unemployed.

I guess I'll be the one who brings up the picture on the main page…
I like the round one in the middle.