
Your best bet: destination wedding. You'll save thousands on not having a crazy reception, even if you do have a few family and friends show up. Then, just have a regular old huge party when you get back so you don't miss out on the gifts.

Take this and love us again.

Ah, lobsters. I was wondering where you were.

Actually, OKC is a pretty cool city - I wouldn't stay here if it wasn't (the rest of the state, however…). Sweet tea, though, is an abomination and should be outlawed.

I grew up in the north part of the country - Chicago and Michigan - where we made fun of fraternity and sorority members ruthlessly, because they were assholes.

Hello, lady-hips
Which is the one where Sellers is sitting on the edge of a pool with his legs crossed and is staring at a bikini-clad lady so intently that he falls backwards into the pool?

It would need to feature that Tenacious D song, obviously.

True story, Mr. Balls. True Story.

I hope they really go for it
…and make this really not safe for kids.

Ah, that's what I needed
This song is exactly what I needed this morning. Great palate cleanser.

Tuxedo, have you submitted to deadCENTER?

Did Noel refuse to participate in this because of the last one, or was he just otherwise occupied?

Also, Heroes is possibly the greatest song ever written.

I concur. The Who are unimpeachable.

I look forward to the day when Radiohead can be included in this and people won't try to take your head off
I honestly believe that this day will come. We're not there yet, though.

David Bowie
Like Elvis, even if you aren't a fan, you like one of his songs, a cover of one of his songs, a song that sampled one of his songs, or an artist that was influenced by him.

I found out recently that my wife doesn't like the Big Lebowski. That was a rough day.

I don't know, I tend to prefer Franz Ferdinand to The Strokes. On any individual song, the Strokes MIGHT be better, but when it comes to sitting through an album's worth of material? I'll take Franz Ferdinand every time.

He didn't have a make-over, he just lost weight for the show. Also, he is known as a somewhat unlikely sex symbol for all geeky female NPR listeners everywhere.

They stream it online, Zilcho…