
I saw this at SXSW this year and had a similar reaction when I read the description - I had to be talked into going by a friend. And the first 20 minutes or so confirmed my worst fears - it was twee as fuck.

Buck's skill
I saw this at SXSW and absolutely loved it. And I think I have a decent rebuttal for both your criticisms of the film.

So I think it's an A album in part because he misses what he was aiming for, not in spite of it. Call it the Source Tags and Codes theory - a high ambition to ability ratio is better than the inverse.

Age of Adz
Every year, I get super-attached to what turns out to be a really divisive album. Last year, it was Embryonic, the year before, At Mount Zoomer. And every year, I'm always shocked to find it doesn't do as well as I'd hoped on the year-end lists.

I want to hear a bit more from you, Nabin.
I'm pretty sure you guys never use first-person in reviews, but I'd love to hear what you thought about how the hospital itself was portrayed. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I have read your book, and I was hoping you'd be the one to review it from the time I saw the first

Deceiving one's self
If the theory Sam suggested is true, the through lines not only exist to Memento and the Prestige, but Insomnia too. Pacino spends most of that movie convincing himself that having too much light on him is the cause of his problems, and it isn't until the reveal where the sheets are taken off the

Bud Light:
The beer to drink when threatening the mother of your child.

Old news for me
I've had U-Verse for almost two years, and I haven't had AMC or IFC (umm, not sure about WE) at all. It's pretty damn irritating.

Yeah, this wasn't what I was expecting either, but I love it.

Their best yet
I've spent quite a bit of time with this album since it was made available on NPR's site, and I really think it's their best one. It seems like the perfect happy median between their first two albums, and I love how epic they can sound when they want to.

Infallible, kudos for not being a disrespectful ass. Now, here are the issues I have with your argument:

Freaks and Geeks!?
What about Firefly!?

I thought it was good
I like that they finally addressed the whole "why don't they ever get in trouble with the cops" question. Also, as pointed out above, as annoying as Maddy can be, the scene with the FBI really put a nice cap on her development this season into the accomplice she now is. There is just no way she

You didn't do the two most important things
I was in the military, and I can tell you that you missed out on the two most entertaining aspects of eating MREs:

Spoon and Arcade Fire coming out AND Radiohead is in the studio… Yeah, there are a few albums to be really excited for.

I think it was Clyde, but someone mentions that Caroline knows Clyde 2.0, so I've been trying to figure out who we've seen that only Caroline/Echo knows.

I've always assumed that the cover was supposed to represent the people he was talking about on the album - the kids who might develop a crush in a chill-out tent, for instance. So it really makes sense within the context of the album.

I was irritated that they didn't address Book's back story, but the biggest irritation was that they tried to "sexy it up" too much. I really didn't care for the look of it - nothing but a distraction.

Cheesy love story? Do you still say "ewwwwww" when there's kissing in movies?

The Firefly / Serenity parallel works as well. It also serves as a good cautionary tale of what can go wrong when moving a TV show into movieland.