
It does look interesting, but the ubiquitous advertising has me worried that it is going to suck…

Yes, it is good - kind of the Foo Fighters of television. Not out to change the world, and sort of doing things that have been done before, but in a completely serviceable and enjoyable way.

Burn Notice!
I forgot you guys covered that last year…

I fully admit that my post (and probably this one, too) was pointless - I am at work today in a government office and it is a federal holiday. I am bored.


So now that this mystery has been resolved,
Is it too early to start wondering if four seasons might be too long?

I don't think his book reviews would be ludicrous enough - how about a ZMF opera section?

task for those who live in chicago
Someone go to this thing and then post a comment here leaking the announcement. Do it!

Yup - as long as it isn't sexual (because clearly, sex is the REAL enemy here), you can use it. Remember on Chapelle's show they said that Rosie O'Donnell wears underwear with dickholes in them? That wasn't bleeped, but if they had commented on something coming out of the hole in her dick, it would have been.

Ahhh! Shit, man, don't say that stuff out loud - you'll give him ideas. Next thing you know, he'll start with, "My fellow Blackmericans: I am never leaving this house. Ever."

Some guy in my office tried to convince me that Bush and Cheney were going to pull some sort crazy-sitcom-type resignation shenanigans, which would basically result in Condi being both the first woman and black president. Also, he thought this was both hilarious and an awesome idea.

Terrorists Win!

Holy shit, don't I know it….but I will say the deep pangs of self-loathing I felt as I read a wikipedia discussion page were more than quenched by the awesome trainwreck that is that page…

Scott - this is unrelated
You have been summoned back to the Fireproof discussion page on wikipedia by the dude who keeps changing it…I tried to explain the character name vs actor name policy that seems to have caused all the confusion, but was promptly ignored. Apparently, American Eagle (the one who was changing

poop dick, you're killing me with that user picture….No, really, please stop.

Also, her boobs.

After much clicking around, I declare that I like the redesign. Once the bugs (no orange box around your own posts) get ironed out, I think it'll feel like home soon enough.

I want to see what my comments look like now
Sorry, nothing important to say here…

Nathan, secular christmas is where it's at. All the charity, good will and gift giving with none of that Jesus stuff getting in the way. I find that if you just don't make any bones about the fact you are celebrating in a non-religious way, people leave you alone (for the most part).

I heard….motherfucker…had like….30 goddamn dicks