American Kinja Warrior

Judging from how far back the archive reaches, it's probably more accurate to say that site looks like it was designed in 1995, but done so by geniuses at NASA.

Wait, "Mine Cart Carnage" is one of people's most loved levels? I'm pretty sure I died more in that level than in the rest of Donkey Kong Country combined.

I think that "Clinger Winger" level towards the end is the toughest level of Battletoads. It's the one where you're on a weird handbike thing and the boss chases you through a ridiculous twisting course. If you screw up the timing of its many, many 90-degree turns, the boss catches you and you die. Also, there's that

I loved Chemical Plant Zone- if you took the right route and knew the timing of those blocks, you could spend like 2 seconds in that pink gunk. Metropolis Zone was the one that really sucked, thanks to those praying mantis enemies .

It seems exceedingly unlikely that Connery's character could have even attended a prom himself anyway, those being almost exclusive to American high schools until this century. Heroes in Bay films need to establish themselves as badasses though, and the easiest way to do that is to make them constantly spout things

It's also worth noting that most prescription formulations have less than 50 milligrams of codeine per dose. The last time Jolly was busted for possession, he was caught with 600 grams.

Firenami Part 1 Part 1: The Dawn of Firenami Part 1 will do middling box office though, causing the rest of the films to be put into development limbo.

Second, there's no excuse for your the poster of your big disaster flick to have no images of disaster on it.* Particularly when you're cramming all of the disasters known to man into your movie.

"Do you have anything to declare?"

This one is in Lake Forest, IL. Your point about places nearby selling tiny cakes for $12 happens to be still valid though.

There's a Starbucks Reserve store near me that has these concoctions. Some of them cost like 9 bucks. That seems fucked up to me.

I've had a pet theory throughout the series that the choice of the name Pius XIII was significant to Lenny's vision for his papacy. Several of the previous popes Pius have been staunch traditionalists, and indeed Pius IX and his "Non Expedit" doctrine were cited in an episode.

I was thinking maybe Pius V, pope during the Counter-Reformation. Then again, many of the Renaissance popes look fairly similar.

You're right, and all I can guess is that that convincing Italian Catholics to stay home would leave a more divided remaining vote (perhaps since the returns for various fringe parties would be less affected), forcing a runoff. I still don't see myself why doing this would be preferable for the pope instead of

Episode Six: The pope addresses @disqus_X9sBnbZP3C:disqus 's concerns!

I was trying to figure this out, and from looking at the extremely confusing Italian electoral system on Wikipedia, I think the issue is that if Catholics stay home, no party will win a necessary threshold of 40%, which will precipitate a runoff.

Getting a bit soft around the midsection too, His Holiness might want to consider giving up carbs for Lent.

Burt Macklin, Corpo della Gendarmeria dello Stato della Città del Vaticano

Any show that wishes to depict a young, evil pope has to live up to the high standard set by Pope Benedict IX, who was probably around the age of 20 at his election. He may or may not have committed all of the rapes and murders his enemies accused him of, but he definitely sold the papacy and then tried to retake it