American Kinja Warrior

About 10 hours of live-actionTransformers so far, so unless the upcoming entry is 5 1/2 hours long,Berlin Alexanderplatz is still a bit longer. I will note that each subsequent entry in the Transformers franchise has somehow had the longest run time of the series, so I don't think it's out of the question.

Also,all the speaking in parables.

It 's a jaunty tune about a bunch of trolls asking their king if they can dismember and eat an intruder. You know, for kids!

ACT I (20 minutes): The protagonist is betrayed by a close associate and left for dead. The protagonist recovers, swears revenge, and starts building a criminal empire.

The Browns' score should have been e, in recognition of being transcendentally bad.

The press tour Naomie Harris takes part in for this movie will probably cost more than the entire budget of Moonlight.

I'm a big fan of heist/con movies, so I liked Focus but at the same a lot of the twists were things that I had seen done before, and done better, in other movies and shows.

When his time has come, Werner Herzog will vanish into the deepest jungle with Death in pursuit. Forty days later, Herzog will emerge alone muttering laments of pity for Death.

I've long been astounded by the era of polar exploration, which apparently involved repeated use of the strategy:

It'd be great to hear arena rock staples like "Song 2," "Seven Nation Army," etc., familiar now to the point of being background noise, with fresh ears.

I remember hearing "Stan" for the first time in high school when a friend had the album playing at a party and that track just amazed everyone. Of course, we mostly agreed that it was destined to be one of those underappreciated deep album cuts, so it was amazing again to see it become a huge hit.

I'm not sure, but I think those are a set of bifocals where the close viewing lenses could be swung in front of the main lenses when needed. There were a number of wild multi-lens designs invented in the 19th century as alternatives to having two half-lenses in a single frame, which were difficult to make and very

He oughta know already.

E.T. v. AT&T: The Cost of Phoning Home

Also nicely mirrors Maeve, who now understands herself to be trapped in an eternally recurring present, and who wants nothing more than to have a past and future.

I think Sizemore would work better as a character if it had ever been shown that despite his horrific personality, he and his work are acknowledged as being vital to the operation of the park. But his introduction was basically Ford taking over his job from him, so Sizemore is both intolerable and superfluous.

Tom Cruise in the role he was born to play: a 6 liter wine bottle.

Yes, that's what I find so frustrating about Brown- some real fun gonzo ideas (antimatter bombs and papal elections, cryptograms and the Holy Grail) are undermined at every turn by Brown's bad prose and shallow understanding of the subjects he's writing about. If Dan Brown actually researched the sorts of things a

The pilot actually briefly featured a machine in each patient's room that did a fingerprick blood test. I am certain Theranos had to have come up as an "inspiration" during the creation of this show.

A proper jest, and never heard before