American Kinja Warrior

Soderbergh should know that if he tries to retire again though, he better not expect to get another gold watch. And he'll be lucky if Hollywood ponies up for another cake at his retirement party.

The image on the box depicts the maximum distance away from the console you will be able to use the controllers,

If there's any justice in this world, it'll cost Peter Thiel's entire net worth, plus a dollar.

You don't need a fancy gizmo to extract blood! Look, you can get the same results by squeezing your donor by hand!

The age limit for donors is only 25 according to the story. Most millennials are too old already. The generation after millennials, though, is ripe for the harvest. We don't even care about them enough to settle on a stupid name for that generation.

Doesn't it usually go something like, "TONIGHT… James wears a hat…."

Yes, just drop Depp entirely and give us a movie starring Geoffrey Rush, Bill Nighy, Ian McShane, and Javier Bardem instead.

I really love the general idea behind The Man With The Golden Gun- contrasting an assassin for hire with an agent who kills at the direction of his government- and I think Moore and Christopher Lee were both great in it. It also features some of the best stuntwork in the franchise.

I hate Moonraker because it is full of ludicrous scenes like a space shuttle full of Marines armed with laser pistols assaulting a space station. I love Moonraker for the the same reason.

It's been a long time since I read it, but I believe the book (where that character is male) implies that the seizure was triggered by a strobe light which was ironically part of the facility's alarm system.

"Hell, they ain't even old-timey."

This seems to be loosely set in early post-Roman Britain ("Londinium," Vortigern, who may have been a real 5th century warlord, etc.). The Romans called China "Sina," so I would think if anyone in Britain were aware of China in the 5th century AD, it'd be under that name. During this time, China was fragmented into

Tennessee: the Cleveland Browns of state governments.

I've heard that too, but I've never seen solid proof. The plot and its twists definitely line up better with the Italian Job remake than the F&F movies prior to Fast Five. If anything, I can see the thinking that it was too similar to the Italian Job to be an effective sequel; using its heist plot to drastically

In this one, a device makes peoples heads explode…into rather unhygenic-looking chocolate fountains.

Watching the Coachella stream over the weekend, I learned about an EDM DJ going by "Marshmello" who performs with his head covered by a large white drum bearing a smiley face. It occurred to me that in a genre populated largely with difficult-to-distinguish Euro-bros, crazy costumes like that of Marshmello, deadmau5

"So this is how liberty dies… with screeching and throwing feces."

Transformers:Age of Extinction was 165 minutes long somehow. This seems pleasantly brisk in comparison.

Did you live them a quarter mile at a time, though?

I'd like to see an increase in people named "Increase."