American Kinja Warrior

Particularly when you find out you've reached your encumbrance limit by feeling a disk slip in your very real back.

GEORGE BAILEY: George… Bert? Do you know me?

There is in fact, third paragraph from the bottom:


Honda Crosstour, obviously.

"Coffee is for closers….and you, sir, are a closer. I can tell just from your menacing stare and the way you hold that blade. Drink all the coffee you want."

It was cancelled before completion, but apparently the Royal Navy was going to give another ship in the same class as the Erebus and Terror the name HMS Belzebub. It's like sending the crews out with a head start on their descents into madness.

Spoiler alert: it's revealed that Justin Vernon's mother is named /\/\∆®+#∆.

For Moore, it was those rare moments where he got completely serious that were the surprises. The Moore Bond films also featured a large number of action scenes- like the corkscrew car jump in The Man With The Golden Gun or the Paris chase in A View To A Kill where some of the best stunt work in the whole series was

I always love their delighted reactions whenever bakers mention their plans to use alcohol in a recipe.

I played Mega Man Heraclitus once, and it was a lot of fun, but then I tried playing it again and it just wasn't the same.

I really liked Spinball, though I can see how its combination of mechanics wasn't a great fit for either Sonic fans or fans of physical pinball machines. For me at least, it also had a pretty brutal difficulty curve. as I found the game's first level wasn't much easier than the following levels.

"An outage has been reported in your area. Service is currently expected to be restored when the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, when the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. If you would like to be notified when your service is restored, please press 1."

The Marshank Redemption

Hamish (Leo Bill), the grotesquely milquetoast suitor from the previous film, turns up to further repress our heroine, this time by forcing a financial choice between Alice’s ship and her mother’s home.

Yeah, GRRM got a lot of flak (including from himself) for writing himself into situations like "the Meereenese knot" where characters and plots have to sort of jog in place while waiting for other characters to reach them. However, it does give the books a much more credible feeling of distance and time than the show.

All those thousands of years under that tree, you'd think the Children of the Forest could have spared some time to set up a more secure emergency exit route.

Don't forget the blood sausage. Gentle giant… with a TASTE FOR BLOOD. And also bacon.

One of the few things I hated about S3&K were the areas and bosses that seemed to have no purpose but to take up time, either to run out the 10 minutes time limit or to eat up all of your rings if you were Super/Hyper Sonic. Lots of long "rides" that went almost nowhere in the level, and too many bosses that you

Yes, that, realistic as it might be, was a very strange game mechanic: "You completed your mission, but at the cost of the nearly superhuman Chavez. Now you must face this even more difficult mission with his vastly inferior replacement."