American Kinja Warrior

Patterson only promises to write up a brief outline of the dishes your dining companions should order. It's how he manages to go out to dinner 15 times a day.

It's also a great example of how to adapt that sort of exposition-dense scene from a novel. In the Michael Crichton novel, there's the usual Crichtonian abundance of technical detail about genetic engineering that makes for a fascinating read, but would bring a movie to a dead stop if it were all included. With the

But what if he just trots out a new one?

In at least some tellings of the Oedipus story, the ruling family of Thebes possessed the (cursed) Necklace of Harmonia, which kept the wearer young and beautiful. Therefore, while it's of course the source of the modern idea of the Oedipus/Jocasta complex, in early conceptions of the myth, Oedipus married Jocasta

That "Mike and Vikes" joke- Vicodin as a brand name was introduced in 1978.

Downton Abbey/Interstellar crossover!

In the interest of fidelity to the books, it'll be with a "big Amarone."

Harry Potter and the Witch of Endor

I look forward to seeing the eventual complete Real World box set available for sale, just to document the show's slow descent into madness. The Real World: New York…The Real World: San Francisco…The Real World: New Orleans….Real World: Ex-Plosion…Real World: Skeletons…Real World: Blood Sacrifice…Real World:

Santa decided to outsource all his labor- you'd think elves work cheap, but their immortality has put Mr. Claus on the hook for centuries of pension obligations.

Shermer High School has been played in part by many of the high schools of the north suburbs: Niles North and Niles East, Maine North, New Trier, and Glenbrook North (the last of which is actually on Shermer Road in Northbrook).

"And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that Wall, you need me on that Wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending

Rahm shot first!

Crichton's later "Timeline" was also the same idea, but with time travel. A corporation invents a device that can quantum teleport matter into a parallel universe and back in time, and all they can think it to use it for is tourism.

One of my favorite scenes was that tense family dinner where, because it was the only crop that hadn't failed, the meal was something like corn on the cob, corn fritters, and corn casserole. All I'm saying is I can see how a man in his circumstances might become a bit unhinged.

"When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
And peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars"

On Earth, farming isn't working because of the Blight, which presumably isn't going to be brought to wherever humanity colonizes. The problem then, is that it would be much, much easier to solve the Blight issue on Earth (growing isolated crops in greenhouses, producing food through synthetic means, moving

Well, the planet itself was stated to have gravity comparable to Earth (I remember numbers were thrown out for each planet, and they were all slightly higher or lower than Earth's gravity). The waves were caused by tides produced from the black hole's gravity. Orbital maneuvers around the black hole system did seem